Introduction to Moko Digital Tokens

Being one of the digital platforms by implementing blockchain technology will definitely make Moco a market that also contributes to the use of digital tokens in it. Every service they provide and is determined to pay, can be paid through tokens. This token has many functions besides payment instruments. However, before knowing more about the work of Moko Tokens, it's good to know the specifications of Moko Tokens.

Introduction to Moko Digital Tokens

The Mokō Token is a digital asset that works on this platform. The Moko Tokens symbol is Moko, which stands for Motion Communications. Moko officially released this token as an ERC20 type utility token. This type is usually found in many other digital tokens, which means that the system is protected by blockchan technology which is very unprecedented. Blockcon creates a security system for this digital token itself that can be protected during storage and distributed. This Jererem blocker is considered easy to use and applies smart contracts directly to transactions. Heritem also prevents excessive loop attacks and DOS from the crowd. In addition to the GHOST Ethereum protocol, the construction of new blocks will be accelerated so that transactions can run faster.

Distribution of MoCo Tokens

There are plans to distribute large amounts of MoCo, which is 8 billion MoCo tokens. Distribution of these tokens will be divided into several groups, where Moko is 15% for internal teams and includes advisors, 20% for marketing products and 20% for sales distribution, crowd sales or business development funds for, 20% returns for the community, and 25% is used for returns on behalf of companies that have involvement.

Allocation of funds for profit from selling MoCo tokens

Income from sales of MoCo Tokens will be allocated to several categories, such as 15% of related parties used as refunds, 10% to complete platform operating licenses, 20% of Moko products on the market and to develop promotional activities. To make Moko better, the community says, 20% and the completion of various projects that are still pending to build and improve platform infrastructure, the creation of Moko software in the form of social media applications and games For 20% of the finance and the remaining Moko products used to develop 20% .

Sales of MoCo Tokens

Moko has set a minimum target for soft cap or the profit they can get is 6 million USD and a hard target or maximum profit target of 28.8 million USD. MoCo Token's sales period is currently underway. Sales of tokens take place from April 1, 2019 and will continue until September 30, 2019. In this sale, Moko does not give bonuses to users because this is the period of final sale and the main MoCo tokens are the period of sale. Usually opened. But Moko will give a bonus of more than 10% using the reference link in the user's Moko Digital Wallet account. Prior to this, Moko had held 4 pre-sales sales periods, the first of which was held on June 20, 2018. Mokō tokens such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Atherium (ETH) can be purchased using digital currencies and can also use Fiat currencies in America. The shape of the American dollar

MoCo Token Works

In general, MoCo tokens work specifically for payment services on this platform. Any attractive facilities or materials can be purchased using MoCo Tokens. This token can make it easier for every user who does not have a bank account to utilize the service. They can be indirectly involved in business but through the cryotocurrency market, they have more access to business conditions. MoCo is a product that provides solutions to reduce the risk of financial loss. Using MoCo tokens will prevent users from preventing a decline in currency values ​​because the cryptocurrency system works in a different radius. Using MoCo Digital Token, it will create a new economic zone for each of these token holders.

There are five components of technology that are currently ranked in the top five as the most widely applied components on various platforms. Five components of this technique are AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual reality), MR (mixed reality), Avatar and Games. AR technology is a technique that functions to add many components - several application components which then integrate into the real world. VR (Virtual Reality) technology is a technology that takes users to cyberspace or other words. This technique tries to eliminate concepts from the real world. While there is collaboration between MR (mixed reality) AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) technology. However, the standard itself is still under XR (extended rationality) technology. Avatar itself is a technique of scanning or changing the image of a real human face into a cartoon.

Therefore, this is also related to the founder and the team that joined the Mokro platform. This is where the founder and team have had a lot of experience in projects that include the use of this technical component. Similarly, if market demand is analyzed which has a high interest in the application using this technique. So Moko was created by merging these five techniques that are expected to enter the market for Enoid and EOS-based smart phone users.

In addition, Moko also uses the blockchain technology system as a means of payment. As we know that blockchane or cryptocurrence technology is a technique that is currently being developed and known by the world. Therefore this is the main reason and good idea to integrate Blockcon and Moko technologies. The first team also participated in many world class workshops, where the development of cryptoconcystation was discussed internationally.

The following are some of the things that make Moko's business plan:

1. Bitcoin Boost Thing

Bittooine talk boost is a blockchain forum that discusses the use of cryptoconcine in the world of bitocaine. Bitcoin is one of the cryptocurrence platforms that focuses on investment or currency trading, which is very well known among the general public today. The team in this forum will make every effort to present the Moko platform and also promote the sale of tokens.

2. Telegram

Telegram is now known as a messaging service that has been proven safe and fast. Along with the telegram, users can also search for friend accounts that support the development of forums, especially Moko. Therefore it will be very easy to promote Moko Token, because many entrepreneurs or cryptocurrency investors are actively involved in telegram rather than other messaging applications. For this reason, the team will invite around 150 investors every month to promote the sale of these tokens.

3. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Social Networking

Like other platforms, this social media account is used to present Moko and attract media attention, discussed in international online media. This helps the team to bring Moko directly to the broad circle.

4. PR (content, blogger, review, press release)

The first step for PR teams from Class A to work together to share news about the Moko platform project. This can be realized because the professional team has collaborated with local and international media. This includes companies that provide professional blogger services. It is hoped that later news about the Moko platform and tokens can be seen and published by large media.

Market planning must be structured and directed, which will begin directly with the introduction, such as a roadshow forum or international workshop and indirect introduction through social media. If both are supported, it will affect the growth and development of the platform.

Reference: Website | Twitter Telegram | White paper

Authors: putumayang
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